The heart wants what it wants….

The heart wants what it wants….

And the heart gets what is wants? Im truly starting to believe this.

Every single day, we are saved in a million ways from that which we wouldn’t really want. I say saved, because often times we sit there waiting and working towards goals which would lead us away from our real most deepest passions.  Something, so magical isn’t it. I’ve seen so many times now that … Allah in His infinite mercy has saved me a million times in the most subtle of ways, more recently in the most grandest of ways. I am just left in awe.

Dua truly is the weapon of the believer. It is the source of attaining that which we desire, but magically (is that even the right word) often dua wards off that which we are praying for because the Lord knows that which our heart will find peace and contentment in. Thats just one tiny (but mahoosive) WORLDLY benefit of a tiny whisper said in the middle of the night or day…. Subhan Allah.

For a couple of years now, this belief in magical moments happening in my totally ordinary life has been damped by several external factors. But…. the Lord has allowed me to feel all renewed (and its only day 4 of Ramadan) so what are you waiting for…. pour out your hearts desires to the one that creates doors where there was no path… see your dreams come true.





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